The Connecticut Blend Collection, a combination of five different natural stone collections, offers a broad color range including blues, greys, tans, browns, and cream. Available as Thinstone Veneer or Full Bed Veneer, Connecticut Blend adds a full spectrum of natural stone colors, textures and variations, with a touch of New England, to a variety of interior, exterior, and landscape design projects. The craftsmanship of masons and contractors are what truly brings the natural stone to life to create the unique atmosphere of each space. And, as you can see in the projects featured here, these natural stone projects also serve as the backdrop for special occasions and holiday decor: gatherings with family and friends, making memories, and plenty of photo opportunities! Here are four projects featuring Connecticut Blend, in a variety of patterns, in their seasonal best.
CT Blend Roughly Squares & Rectangles Exterior Siding
1. Connecticut Blend Roughly Squares & Rectangles Exterior Siding
The project featured above is from Del Vino Vineyards on Long Island and features the Roughly Squares & Rectangles pattern for the exterior siding. The clean lines, sleek, modern look, and color palette make it a beautiful backdrop for every season, although the holiday version definitely takes center stage in this scene!
CT Blend Ledgestone Exterior Siding
2. Connecticut Blend Ledgestone Siding
Even when it's not in season, Avalon Golf Club's bar and restaurant entrance still looks warm and welcoming. Featuring Connecticut Blend Ledgestone siding, the stacked look and texture adds elegance and charm. The holiday decor makes the off-season look a little extra cozy and inviting, while we count down to warmer days and outdoor activities.
CT Blend Ashlar Interior Fireplace
3. Connecticut Blend Ashlar Interior Fireplace
This project is one of our favorites to share--because it was our first featured #FireplaceFriday photo on Instagram, a tradition started in 2018! Connecticut Blend Ashlar showcases the full color range of the collection in this fireplace design. The way the three different patterns that make up Ashlar (Small Squares, Ledgestone, and Strip) are pieced together give it a customized look. The holiday decor adds a festive feel to the daily routine and when hosting company.
CT Blend Mosaic Fireplace Interior Fireplace
4. Connecticut Blend Mosaic Interior Fireplace
While you can see the shape of the Connecticut Blend Mosaic natural stone in the photo above more than the colors, the atmosphere of the setting is perfectly captured! The combination of natural light all year long, and the holiday glow make this space a cozy, peaceful spot to relax and reconnect. The fireplace design also accommodates a TV backdrop, a trend we featured in a recent blog post, to make this feature a focal point for entertainment and leisure.
Building materials, including natural stone, play an important role in creating the personality of each space. Connecticut Blend is a great choice when looking for a variety of colors and textures, that also complements different styles, existing features, and other building materials. You can also explore more than 20 other natural stone collections here. To learn more about how to incorporate them into an interior, exterior or landscape design project, download our e-book here!