Lisa Miller 10/4/23 7:00 PM 7 min read

3 Floor-to-Ceiling Fireplace Features Incorporating the Ashlar Pattern

The different color schemes, textures, and variations set each natural stone collection apart, and each of the five patterns adds another element of personalization. The Ashlar pattern is a combination of three existing patterns combining the appeal of Strip, Ledgestone, and Small Squares to a variety of interior and exterior natural stone features. With multiple material options, design resources, and the skilled craftsmanship of masonry teams, no two project outcomes are the same. Here are three floor-to-ceiling interior fireplaces made with Thinstone Veneer in the Ashlar pattern that create memorable features and unique spaces to suit different needs. 

Fitzwilliam Ashlar fireplace

Fitzwilliam Ashlar and natural wood create a beautiful contrast in this living space.

The fireplace feature (in the photo above) by Javier Solis Custom Masonry takes center stage in the living space, which is also the center for entertainment, from watching movies and shows to gathering with company. The fireplace isn't the only thing adding warmth to the room: the light grey Fitzwilliam Ashlar natural stone veneer (supplied by Gilbert Block) and the darker natural wood on the mantel and floor create a stunning color contrast. This room also features high ceilings and plenty of windows, allowing natural light to add to the visual impact and creating a comforting, relaxing atmosphere. 

Liberty Hill Ashlar fireplaceThe Liberty Hill Ashlar fireplace and library are a perfect complement for leisure time. 

The next showcased fireplace also creates a beautiful contrast with natural wood, but this time with the Liberty Hill Collection (a medium grey natural stone with hints of brown, white, and pink) against lighter wood accents. This space crafted by Butler Masonry and Patriot Builders adds visual impact, while also making organization a priority in this leisure space. The shelves make the space more functional, and the library setup offers a different atmosphere than other common entertainment and leisure areas. Also, not pictured: Liberty Hill Ashlar is also used for the chimney, adding consistency to the overall design. 

Harbor Mist Ashlar fireplaceThe Harbor Mist Ashlar fireplace adds a focal point to this living space. 

This fireplace project by Granite State Stonescapes also incorporates a floor-to-ceiling design with the Ashlar pattern and the Harbor Mist collection.  The light grey and tan color palette makes the fireplace a standout feature, between the dark wood floor and the white walls and trim. Natural light from both sides of the fireplace also enhances the texture,  warm tones, and subtle sparkle in this natural stone collection, brightening up the atmosphere no matter what season it is, or how the space is being enjoyed.

As exemplified in the projects here, a little creativity offers much visual impact--and purposeful features that are individual to each project. While each of the fireplaces are floor-to-ceiling and use the Ashlar pattern, each is designed and crafted to build an atmosphere that fits each home and family's needs. The Ashlar pattern offers a unique way to bring three different natural stone looks together, with even more opportunities to customize and create functional spaces. For more natural stone inspiration, download our Residential Design Guide, which offers 27 ways to incorporate natural stone into interior, exterior, and landscape spaces. Natural Stone Residential Design Guide