Lisa Miller 9/24/24 3:45 PM 8 min read

Personalize These Landscaping Trends to Create Your Best Space

We found some excellent tips for incorporating trends into your landscape design: "Consider your personal goals, and what trends match your design taste." This article from Forbes Home offers insight into current landscaping trends, and how to create an outdoor space that fits your lifestyle throughout the seasons. Here's more on how you can incorporate natural stone into 4 of the trends mentioned to add value, save time, and enhance your future leisure time! 

Fitzwilliam Granite Sawn Flagstone Firepit Surround

The Fitzwilliam Granite Sawn Flagstone Fire Pit Surround defines this cozy, intimate gathering space.

"Less Lawn is More"

A well-manicured lawn is an attractive addition to a landscape design, but grass is a high-maintenance commitment throughout most of the year. Landscapes that incorporate plantings and hardscape elements are a great way to add elegance, create atmosphere, and define space for entertainment. In all four of the photos here, natural stone enhances each of the backyards in different ways, including a fire pit surround, patio and steps, pool coping, and a covered patio with a walkway. Creating more purposeful space, and minimizing maintenance, adds value to the property and everyday routines.

Liberty Hill Sawn Flagstone Patio and Landscape DesignLiberty Hill Sawn Flagstone Patio and Steps by Stephens Landscaping.

"Outdoor Living" 

Each of these four projects features an example of popular outdoor living projects, but which ones are the best fit for your family's needs, interests, and lifestyle? If you frequently stay at home and love hosting gatherings, you might consider dedicating more time and resources to creating features that cater to guests and facilitate easy outdoor dining. Examples include outdoor kitchens, large patios, exterior fireplaces with built-in seating, and more. If you have a busy schedule or travel a lot during the summer, you might make the most of your leisure time by adding a patio and a fire pit, which you can enjoy through multiple seasons with the family or with company. There are many different features you can consider to build the ideal outdoor living space that fits your family, which is more impactful than what is currently trending.

Colonial Tan Split Flagstone Pool and Spa SurroundColonial Tan Split Flagstone Pool and Spa Surround and Steps by Total Pool + Patio

"Rest and Relaxation"

When it comes to rest and relaxation, there are different ways to create a peaceful retreat right at home. This could be as simple as natural stone steps, walkways, or plantings to enhance the atmosphere and connection to nature--or it could include a natural stone pool and spa (as seen in the photo above.) A fire pit or fireplace can also be a great way to rest and relax, with or without company. Defining your goals, what features evoke relaxation for you, and how much space and time you want to devote to achieving them, helps put your landscaping plans in perspective so you can make the right decisions for your time, space, and budget. 

Sterling Tan Sawn Flagstone Patio and WalkwayThe Sterling Tan Sawn Flagstone Patio and Walkway by Piscataqua Landscaping


Another purpose for landscape designs, in addition to creating an inviting atmosphere, is carving out privacy. This project seen in the image above features a flagstone patio (with pergola) and walkway, this space is perfect for private indoor/outdoor entertainment and dining, and connecting indoor and outdoor spaces seamlessly! Incorporating entertainment space close to the house offers built-in structure to create a more intimate space to enjoy the open-air atmosphere while creating a natural separation from neighbors and the outside world. Plantings, shrubs, and gardens, in addition to decorative privacy screens, were also suggested in the article to match the aesthetic and create "functional distance." 

Designing a landscape brings different functional and design elements together to help create an ideal space that complements the homeowners' lifestyle. Choosing elements purposefully and creatively, and incorporating trends that are meaningful and fitting, result in the most rewarding outcomes! For more natural stone landscaping inspiration, download our Landscape & Saw Shop Guide.Natural Stone Landscape Guide