When spending time on any of our social media accounts, a hashtag we commonly use in the posts of smaller natural stone features inspired us to start this series. The tag we are discussing is #usealittlestone, this tag is the first half of a phrase used commonly by our team, "use a little stone for a big impact". That would make for a long hashtag but it's something we believe in. Every project is important regardless of the square footage, a 45sq/ft fireplace in a 1000sq/ft home can make the same impact on a homeowner as a 144 sq/ft fireplace will in a 2000sq/ft home. The impact cannot be measured by size and is completely relative to each project. This appreciation of all natural stone projects is what created the #UseALittleStone tag. This series will highlight the impact a small-scale natural stone project can make on interior, exterior and landscape spaces.
Old New England Rounds Fireplace
To start off this series we're highlighting one of the most common applications for natural stone, interior fireplaces. Interior fireplaces are often used as the centerpiece of their respective space and these three features are no different. The first project above and below by N.C. Personeni was recently completed in Cape Cod using Old New England Rounds. The impact of this fireplace in this sunroom is undeniable. The TV that will eventually be mounted above the fireplace as the crowning addition to a room that will feature Cape Cod sunsets and a crackling fire.
Old New England Rounds Fireplace
Family Room Centerpieces
CT Blend Ledgestone Fireplace
This family room features white ceilings with natural wood beam accents and recently added this fireplace feature. This small statement feature was installed by a very handy DIY homeowner who used CT Blend Ledge for this stunning feature. The fireplace is only Ben's latest upgrade to his parent's home and we have no doubt after the success he had with this space there will be more natural stone projects in the future.
CT Blend Fireplace
The project below is another staple feature that ties together a room that only needed a touch of natural stone for a big impact. This home on the water in Maine added stone on this small existing fireplace which is the staple of this room. The ashlar and ledge are used more often for smaller fireplace features because of their small face area. This Spruce Mountain Ashlar fireplace was installed by the very talented NE Landscapes(ME) who are masters of natural stone veneer.
Spruce Mountain Ashlar
These interior fireplace features although small in square footage are powerful in impact and embody what use a little stone for a big impact is about. We're looking forward to continuing this series and featuring more ways natural stone can impact and transform interior, exterior and landscape spaces.