There is a specific point for every homeowner when it comes time to make an impactful change in their interior design. This can be new furniture, changing the color of the walls, or transforming an existing feature in the home. For many homeowners that means redesigning an existing fireplace feature that is as old as the home.
Connecticut Blend Mosaic Veneer Over Brick By Quinn's Stoneworks and Landscape
1. CT Blend Makeover
Although we are featuring three brick to stone makeovers there is still a lot of appeal for brick fireplaces. However, when the brick starts to age and become discolored like the fireplace above it is clear that the time has come for an update. For this homeowner that meant adding a new hearth, and mantel and covering the fireplace in a blend of natural stone veneer. Adding the soft grey granite details were the finishing touches on this successful upgrade.
2. Painted Brick to Fieldstone Rounds
Old New England Rounds Fireplace Redesign by BC Murphy Landscape (MA)
In New England, the Old New England Rounds Collection is a top choice and this fireplace redesign project is making yet another case for why that is. The painted brick fireplace was a casualty of this room upgrade where the homeowner was looking to add a TV, change the design of the walls and add accents to improve the overall look of the space. The native fieldstone rounds also add to this classic New England interior design.
3. Complete Interior Redesign
Old New England Wall Ledge Fireplace Redesign
Transformation projects come in all sizes and for this project, the fireplace redesign was only a part of the transformation. The homeowner with the help of Architect Christine Monaghan decided it was time to open up the floorplan by taking out multiple walls. This transformed the entire layout of the home and allowed them to extend the fireplace (now in the center of a large room) to the ceiling for everyone to enjoy.
Home improvement projects can reenergize a home and when adding any amount of natural stone to the interior design of a home there is sure to be a big impact.
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