Lisa Miller 7/20/24 9:00 AM 5 min read

Local Artist Collaborates with CEO on Second Company Journey Mural

We're excited to share that a second company journey mural has been added onsite to illustrate the work-in-progress and growth mindset at Delgado Stone! Once again joining forces with local artist, Michaela Penna, Delgado Stone CEO Mike Wolfe aimed to emphasize the Core Values (Teamwork, Resilience, Integrity, Accountability, and Discipline) and for the mural to be a continuation of the first one, with a similar vibe but its own special location and features. 

Mural by Michaela Penna in Delgado Stone lobbyNew mural at Delgado Stone, a second collaboration between Michaela Penna and our CEO, Mike (2024)

The second mural, in the Delgado Stone lobby, is a more open area than the original, lending itself to a dimensional feel and an extended horizon you can almost walk into. One of the challenges, Michaela said, was keeping the pattern of the stone the same, and creating consistency as the path faded into the distance. "I also had to adapt and consider where the chairs and table would be in front of the mural, once everything was in place," she explained. Another bigger challenge was covering up her work nightly by herself, but she admits she learned some techniques along the way!

Michaela shared that painting the mural took more than 100 hours, over the course of a month, and she worked late nights after office hours. "I had to step back a lot," she said--to evaluate the view from a distance, so it was easier to be there when no one was working. When asked what her favorite part was, Michaela said, "I gained appreciation for the sky, after working so hard to imitate it! It's amazing." 

Mural by Michaela Penna in Delgado Stone conference roomMichaela's and Delgado Stone's first mural and collaboration (2023)

Between the first and second mural, Michaela gained some insight that inspired her to approach certain aspects differently, such as the grass. It also helped her to decide which elements would translate well in the second one and which should remain unique. "Each mural has its own special things," she said. 

Michaela loves working on art projects as side jobs, but during the days you can find her at her family's chiropractic business, where she works in administration and billing. If you or someone you know is interested in a mural, she would love for you to email her about the opportunity!

Mike said he was thrilled to work with Michaela again. "We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with her; she's a truly talented and wonderful person," he said. When it comes to the representation of the Core Values, he explained, "Our Core Values are who we are. They are the guiding light on the long journey. They help align our team in the decisions we make, who we add to our team, who advances, and who exits. They are not true core values until you're willing to sacrifice financially because they are that important... I am proud to say we have."

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