Mike Wolfe 6/26/20 10:00 AM 7 min read

Granite Paving Stones Rise in Popularity

Granite paving stones are quickly becoming the “it” hardscape item of the year as more projects seek a product that’s cost effective, unique, and durable. Add those keys to a versatile product for both residential and commercial projects and it's no wonder they are becoming more popular. 

Granite Paving Stones

Liberty Hill Paving Stones Form A Walkway


Paving stones (commonly referred to as "pavers") are typically made from one of three materials: natural stone, brick, or cement. Each one of these provides a different look and feel to a specific project and have their own pros and cons.


Quincy Market Boston, MA

Granite Pavers at Historic Quincy Market in Boston, MA


4 Reasons Granite Paving Stones Are Trending

Compared to this time last year our sales of natural stone flagging and pavers are up more than 300%. The majority have been granite but a small percentage includes a schist and quartzite and it does not include bluestone. It’s exciting for us to see this growth and when we see a trend like this we look to focus on the “why”.


  1. Sustainability: Natural stone products are natural and durable with minimal carbon footprint. The majority of our stone is from local quarries and our process involves breaking or cutting stone down to size so no chemicals are used in the product. Natural stone is considered to be a "green" building material.
  2. Unique: We hear it on a regular basis, “I want something different”. No two pieces of natural stone are identical so when you lay down your granite pavers it’s going to be different than anything else out there. Even if your neighbor uses the same stone there will be variation. 
  3. Quality: We used the word durable in our first point and natural stone, especially from New England, continues to stand the test of time and elements. Granite paving stones are durable which is why you can work with “reclaimed” granite. It’s stone and it’s built to last.
  4. Affordable & Available: Stone is heavy and for a long time was difficult to move or ship. Similar to the introduction of thin stone veneer, advancements in technology have made granite pavers more available, easier to transport, and help reduce the installation time, which saves money on the job.


Large Granite Flagstone

Liberty Hill Pavers Patio/Steps

It’s exciting to see the growing trend in natural and granite paving stones and we expect to see it continue to increase in demand for the years to come.


Delgado Stone Catalog