Lisa Miller 8/8/24 3:00 PM 6 min read

These Backyard Natural Stone Upgrades Are Worth the Money

Outdoor living remains a high priority when it comes to home improvement projects, but when considering financial considerations, which components measure up to the cost? According to home experts in this article by Pocket, these backyard extras are worth having for the sake of long-term enjoyment, and can also be an investment in future resale. Here's how natural stone can help enhance these features, and add value to your life during the season and beyond.  

CT Blend Roughly Squares & Rectangles Outdoor Kitchen

CT Blend Roughly Squares & Rectangles Outdoor Kitchen provides the center for outdoor dining and entertainment. 

A Professional Grill Setup

The basics get the job done when it comes to grilling, but a purposeful setup takes it to a whole new level. We love Pocket's suggestion to "have a professional install a grill with stonework surrounding it," which results in a visually appealing, durable feature that makes outdoor entertainment easy. The design allows for simultaneous food preparation and socializing, while high-quality appliances and materials ensure years of use with minimal repairs, replacement, or maintenance. 

Old New England Rounds Fire Pit and Seating WallOld New England Rounds Fire Pit and Seating Wall coordinate in a unique and functional gathering space.

A Fire Pit 

Fire pits are versatile for different-sized spaces, and the typically-circular shape accommodates more people when it comes to enjoying the warmth, view, or company. Pocket recommends space for movable seating, and you might also consider a coordinating natural stone seating wall. This way, you get two elegant features that offer fun on the spot, with little to no setup--even in colder climates, or when the weather is less than cooperative before gatherings.

Liberty Hill Sawn Flagstone WalkwayLiberty Hill Sawn Flagstone enhances this beautiful landscape design.


The experts consulted by Pocket say that landscaping alone enhances the monetary value of your home by 5% to 10%, and in some high-quality property-wide cases, up to 28%! While landscaping adds visual appeal to different aspects of the property, it also has many functional uses, including but not limited to enhancing the connection with nature, creating shade, defining different spaces, and carving out privacy. Natural stone can be used as a visually appealing, low-maintenance, and long-lasting option in combination with plantings and other materials in a landscape design. 

There are many possibilities when creating outdoor living spaces, but there are some that stand out when having to choose the essentials. The features mentioned here, especially when combined with natural stone, create beautiful, functional features that help homeowners prioritize entertainment, gathering, and fun! For more ways to add visual appeal and durability to your home by adding natural stone, download our design guide, "27 Ways to Upgrade Your Home Using Natural Stone."

27 Ways To Use Natural Stone To Upgrade Your Home