Lisa Miller 10/5/23 8:30 PM 5 min read

Manufacturing Day: A Celebration of Craftsmanship and Teamwork

As natural stone manufacturers, we love aligning with companies across the country to celebrate Manufacturing Day on the first Friday of October each year. In our case, it is a great opportunity to showcase the craftsmanship, dedication, and teamwork that happens behind the scenes daily and also share the processes and technology used to cut, shape, and palletize a variety of natural stone products.

Delgado Stone teammate One of our production teammates in the process of manufacturing natural stone.

One of the most appealing attributes of natural stone is its uniqueness, as no two pieces of natural stone ever look the same. As a result, when natural stone products are transformed into interior, exterior, and landscape spaces with the unique perspective of designers and the talents of masonry teams, each natural stone feature has its own look. No matter what the product (Thinstone, Full Bed Veneer, architectural products) or result is, every project begins with the production process. You can see our Thinstone Veneer process in action here

The most important part of the process, though, is people, including our entire production team, Authorized Dealers, a community of masons and contractors, homeowners, and shipping partners who transport our products from the manufacturing facility to project sites. The effort from the individuals in all of the groups above is what helped propel us to being ranked #101 in the manufacturing category on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies for 2023. 

Delgado Stone splitter

Splitting natural stone at our manufactuing facility in Brookfield, CT.

As we continue to learn, grow, and set future goals, one of our priorities is to inspire the next generation of manufacturers--in our industry and beyond. Introducing students to different career paths, including manufacturing, trades, college, or some combination, helps prepare them better for their futures and each individual's road to success. By sharing our story and company journey, we look forward to building the future of the manufacturing industry and connecting students with more opportunities to be successful and find their purpose. You can learn more about how we are investing in future teammates here. For natural stone inspiration, download our catalog. Delgado Stone Catalog